Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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BOYAN Communications 5.0 enhances almost every aspect of BOYAN 4.0, yet
maintains the friendly user interface you are used to. Here's a
sampling of what's new in BOYAN 5:
- Many enhancements to the - Complete mouse support;
Dialing Directory, such as:
- A graphics bar which dynam-
* A user-friendly scroll bar, ically indicates the progress
of a file transfer;
* Passwords for each entry,
- Improved Script Learn Mode,
* Tick marks indicating including a new "Quick-learn"
entries Queued for feature;
- Substantially enhanced Host
* Cut and paste between Mode, with individual passwords
directories, for up to 70 different users,
word-wrap during message entry,
* Sort by last connect date, and a handy Sysop Menu;
- Many, many new macro commands
* "Grab" a phone number and variables;
directly from the terminal
screen; - Terrific new "Script Trace
Mode" lets you speed up or slow
- Improvements to the Queue down a script as it runs;
- Support for the 16550AN UART's
* Insert or begin redialing at efficient FIFO buffering;
any point in the Queue, and
- An alternate dialing macro,
* Automatically delete all great for MNP modems;
similar-named systems when
you connect to any one of - Microsoft Windows and
them--great for BBS's with Desqview-compatible;
multiple phone numbers;
- Expanded User's Reference
- Five great new Action Modules, manual, with powerful new macro
including CONTROL.BAM for examples;
making control characters
visible, DOORWAY.BAM for - Quick & easy INSTALL program
running programs remotely, and gets you up and running right
three new terminal emulations; away;
- A special ANSI-BBS keyset for - Improvements on the business
use with full-screen BBS side of things:
* New Support BBS online at
- From the File Manager display, (301)-730-2917 (2400 baud)
you can mark multiple files for and (301)-854-3076 (9600
batch copy, delete, edit, view, baud HST);
or even batch upload;
* Credit card registration and
- Hands-free auto-downloading for upgrades--by voice phone and
Zmodem, MPt, Bimodem, on the Support BBS;
Compuserve-B, and any other
protocol that supports it; * Quicker order processing;
- A special help screen where you * A lower price on the
describe your own custom complete package, and great
macros; discounts for User's Groups
and corporate site licenses;
- 43-line mode for EGA/VGA
monitors; - AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!
Since so many enhancements have been made to BOYAN's macro language and
configuration options, you should start with a basically "clean slate"
for BOYAN 5.0. This means deleting your old BOYAN.CNF and BOYAN.MAC
files, so that BOYAN 5 can initialize new ones. An exception to the
"clean slate" rule is your old BOYAN.FON phone directory, which is
compatible with BOYAN 5.0. BOYAN 5.0 will automatically build a
BOYAN.PWD file to hold the passwords for each entry in the directory.
Several of BOYAN's key commands have been modified. Most importantly,
the Help key is now <F1> rather than <Ctrl-Home>. Likewise, the File
Manager is now accessed with <Alt-F> instead of <Del>. Several of the
function key macros have also been pre-defined; press <Alt-F1> to view
the menu of function keys.
Script files written for BOYAN 4.0 should require little if any
modification in order to work with the new version. However, you
should note that there are new conventions about how spaces in a macro
are interpreted. In BOYAN 4, all spaces in a macro were sent literally
to the modem, except for those at the very end of the macro. However,
in BOYAN 5, spaces (and tabs) may be used as padding between macro
commands. This makes macros much easier to read. In BOYAN 5, a space
is sent out literally over the modem only when in the middle of a
string, such as "Lee Breeden", or when preceded by a quotation mark.
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions, which have made BOYAN the
great program it is today!